Article 20 If a citizen's whereabouts have been unknown for two years, an interested person may apply to a people's court for a declaration of the citizen as missing. 第二十条公民下落不明满二年的,利害关系人可以向人民法院申请宣告他为失踪人。
Article 24 In the event that a person who has been declared dead reappears or it is ascertained that he is alive, the people's court shall, upon his own application or that of an interested person, revoke the declaration of his death. 第二十四条被宣告死亡的人重新出现或者确知他没有死亡,经本人或者利害关系人申请,人民法院应当撤销对他的死亡宣告。
An interested person is an interesting person. 对什么都感兴趣的人也会让别人感兴趣。
What cues do people show when they are interested in another person? 当人们对另一个人感兴趣时会表现出些什么暗示呢?
As a result, disputes often arise as to whether an interested person or group should be allowed to intervene in an agency adjudication. 结果是,是否应允许利益相关者或组织介入机关裁决的争议常常发生。
Do you think no one could be interested in our person? 你认为没人会对我们个人感兴趣?
Litigation System for Stakeholders and Its Structure for Supervision of State-owned Enterprises; The methods by which an interested person may participate are generally similar to those available in civil litigation. 利益相关者的参与方法一般和民事诉讼中的参与方法相似。
Any landowner or interested person who finds any error or omission in the expropriation or disagrees with the compensation for the land price or compensation fees shall apply for correction or raise objection during the public announcement period. 土地所有权人及利害关系人认为征收有错误、遗漏或对补偿地价或补偿费有意见时,应于公告期间内,申请更正或提出异议。
An interested person can not make a fair decision. 有偏见的人不能做出公正的决断。
Why is an interested person given the right to apply for revoking the declaration? 为什么要赋予利害关系人申请撤销死亡宣告的权利呢?
The provisions of this Convention are applicable without regard to the nationality of the ship, the carrier, the actual carrier, the shipper, the consignee or any other interested person. 本公约各项规定的适用与船舶、承运人、实际承运人、托运人、收货人或任何其他有关人的国籍无关。
Prompt notice shall be given of the denial in whole or in part of a written application, petition, or other request of an interested person made in connection with any agency proceeding. 机关在全部否决或部分否决利害关系人提出的、与机关裁决活动有关的书面申请、请求或其他要求时,应迅速发出通知。
If you're really interested in one person, you're not interested in anyone else. 如果你真心喜欢一个人,你就不会对另外的人感兴趣。
( e) Each agency shall give an interested person the right to petition for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of a rule. 各机关应给予利害关系人要求发布、修改或废除某项规章的权利。
It is for protecting the interests of the interested person. 就是为了保护利害关系人的利益啊。
Where a interested person puts forward opinions, the administrative organ shall put down notes of the statement signed and confirmed by the person who makes the statement. 利害关系人提出意见的,行政机关应当制作陈述笔录,并经陈述人签名认可。
The listed company and their interested person inevitably conduct many connected transaction in the process of the assets reorganization and the business contacts. 在资产重组的过程中以及上市公司重组以后的业务往来中,上市公司和其关联人之间不可避免的产生了大量的关联交易。
The Research of the Interested Person during Administration 行政过程中的利害关系人研究
The trustor is on a litigant's status in the trust relations, and the same time, the interested person in the trust. 委托人居于信托关系当事人地位,同时也是信托利害关系人。
The Rules of Interested Person Transactions in Singapore an Stock Market 试析新加坡对关联交易的规制
The connected transaction of the listed company means any transaction conducted by the listed company, the affiliated company and their interested person. 上市公司的关联交易系指上市公司或是其附属公司与其关联人之间所进行的任何交易事项。
The reasonableness of economic planning and actual effect of economic planning enforcement has a great influence on interested person. 经济规划的合理性与经济规划实施的实际效果对经济规划利害关系人影响甚大。
Through the introduction of EPCR enable the reliance interest of economic planning interested person to be protected throughout the process of economic planning enforcement. 通过对经济规划保障请求权的引入,使得经济规划利害关系人的信赖利益在经济规划实施过程中可以得到最切实的保障。
Benefit-granting administrative actions are more strictly restricted than burdening administrative action. And revocation of administrative actions that effect on the interested person need to be concretely analysis. 对授益性行政行为的撤销权比负担性行政行为撤销权受到的限制更多,而对具有第三人效力的行政行为撤销权的限制则需要对第三人所受到的影响进行具体分析。
Also hope that interested person to study general aviation airport flight program designers with a PBN ideas and inspiration. 也希望能为有兴趣研究通用航空机场的PBN飞行程序设计者提供一个思路和启发。
Immovable property registration is the important institution in property rights law, it is applied by the obligee or the interested person, national full-time section record Immovable property rights and its effects on the Immovable property register. 不动产登记为物权法中的重要制度,是指经权利人或利害关系人申请,由国家专职部门将有关不动产物权及其变动事项记载于不动产登记簿的事实。
Moreover, we also put focus on the procedural right of counterpart in administrative contract and administrative guide as well as the procedural right of interested person in administrative act. 此外,行政合同与行政指导中相对人的程序权利,以及行政行为中利害关系人的程序权利也特别值得关注。
This consequently causes the damage of lawful rights of those relevant interested person, which goes against what laws pursue& the justice, leaving a negative impact on the development of market economy. 从而造成了对其相关利害关系人合法权益的损害,既违背了法律所追求的公平正义,也对市场经济的发展产生了负面的影响。
However, procedures is complicated, it is inevitable there will be illegal or improper acts, which trespass on the legal rights of the parties or the interested person. 然而执行程序纷繁复杂,难免会出现违法或不当的执行行为,侵害到当事人或其他利害关系人的合法利益。
Its not only enjoy extensive rights, but also carries the creditors and other interested person of trust, while re-engineering process to proceed smoothly, the success of re-engineering issues play a decisive role. 其不仅享有广泛的权利,而且还承载着债权人及其他利害关系人的信任,同时对重整程序的顺利进行、重整事项的成功与否起着举足轻重的作用。